How to Discover Your Superpowers

Discover your superpowers

Have you ever wondered what you are good at? Ten people have the answers. You probably do too. 

Here is an exercise to get a better understanding of your strengths. I borrowed this from Pat Flynn's new book, Will It Fly? Pat referenced Gary Vaynerchuck as someone who has recommended this too. You will have to muster up a little courage and check your ego at the door, but the answers are worth it.

Take a moment to consider ten people who know you quite well. I would skip family. Choose people who you have worked with, old and new friends. Then send each person an email with a message like the one I wrote. 

Hi Jim,

I’m working on a little self-discovery project. Since you know me quite well, I am hoping you will play along with this to help me get some clarity. What do you feel is my unique ability - perhaps a “superpower” that I possess? What would you say that superpower is?

Thanks for your honest reply. It means a lot. 

Most of the replies came quickly and they absolutely meant a lot to me. I copied and pasted each person's answer into a word document, so I could have them all on one page to read. The most common words were: 

Sharing, Talking, Listening, Storyteller, Communication, Connection, Trust.

The words didn't surprise me, but they reminded me of what I am all about. These descriptions of me came from a couple of childhood friends, a former boss and friend, some friends I have known for more than a decade, a few friends who I have known for less. 

Use Your Superpowers Every Day

You should try this for yourself and see what your friends think of you. The important next step is to remember to use these superpowers every day. 

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Uncle Ben.