10 Tips To Help You Find Your Writing Voice
My long-time, personal newsletter subscribers will attest, I have struggled to find my writing voice in the past. I'm thankful people like Chris Brogan are around to inspire me to be authentic by sharing what's on my mind. My wonderful subscribers have taken note, I have seen the difference in all of the replies I receive from each of my newsletters these days. Finding my voice has been a journey and Chris has certainly inspired me along the way.
Chris Brogan will help you find your voice.
Chris and I have been long-time friends since my first Podcast New Media Expo in 2007. We also hung out on Twitter together quite regularly back in the heyday. Chris has always brought a refreshing breath of truth to everything he has written. I am a fan of all of his work, his personal newsletter, his blog, and his New York Times best-selling books. He is a master at helping people find their voice.
Chris' ninth book, Find Your Writing Voice: How to write more like your amazing self, for books, blog posts, and email is an instant hit in my opinion. He takes no time to get to the nitty gritty in this short, self-help book for people who want to write authentically. The following are ten takeaways from Find Your Writing Voice that will help you find your voice. Consider these as you start to scribble your next blog post.
10 tips to help you find your writing voice.
1. Write with your destination in mind.
2. Your voice will come to you the more you practice.
3. Write ten ideas every day. Shout out to James Altucher here.
4. Assign yourself to write 300 words each day.
5. Remember you are writing for one person.
6. Read it out loud.
7. You have to talk about your topics in original ways.
8. Use small words, unless it's vital that you use big ones.
9. When you write to please someone other than yourself, you set yourself up for failure.
10. Be someone with an opinion.
I highly recommend you download a copy of Chris Brogan's Find Your Writing Voice. Chris goes into more details on each point above. He also breaks down how he strategically composes his blog posts, newsletters, and books. Readers are also invited to join a private Facebook Group to share with one another.
If you are ready to find your voice and want people to discover your writing, you need to grab this quick read.