RIP Bob Goyetche | A Podcasting Legend Has Left Us
I awoke to my phone buzzing this morning. My Facebook Messenger app was blowing up with activity. I hit the home button and was horrified by the news. Bob Goyetche had died. The voices in the private message group were from many people I hadn't heard from in ages. In fact, I hadn't talked to Bob in years outside of a few likes, tweets, and comments.
Bob Goyetche is a podcasting legend. Along with Mark Blevis, Bob co-hosted The Canadian Podcast Buffet. The show inspired hundreds of people to start their own podcasts. The podcast community they created taught me how to podcast, too. But it was much more than that.
Bob was a hugger
In 2006, Bob and Mark and their respective partners, Cat and Andrea, started an annual conference called Podcasters Across Borders (later "PAB"). I attended the conference in 2006 and 2007 and was instantly welcomed into the group. That was my first taste of meeting online friends offline and in person. Relationships truly grow when this occurs. There is nothing like handshakes, high-fives, and hugs. Bob was a hugger.
Bob was a kind, generous, intelligent, sweet, hilarious guy. He was a podcasting mentor and a genuinely wonderful person. Not only does he leave behind countless friends, but he also leaves his family, Cat and Simon. My heart breaks for them both.
Between the many messages in the Facebook group today, I listened to some of Bob's old podcast episodes. I was struck by the most recent episode of his solo ramble-cast, Bob Stuph. The lesson is timely but is also timeless.
Consider Vulnerability
“Anger is not strength. Anger is a weakness. Vulnerability is strength.
We are often taught not to show weakness or any uncertainty. If you disagree, you do it vehemently and you protect your turf. This thinking builds walls.
You can change a conversation or a conflict by showing vulnerability. If both people agree to be vulnerable, the differing opinions can be put to a side and a connection can still be made.
Showing vulnerability is difficult but will lead to amazing changes in your life. Consider vulnerability.”
Today serves as a good reminder to reach out to those who have touched your life. Time goes too quickly. Bob left us too soon.
R.I.P. Bob.